Colorado Work Camping


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Checklist for first time Colorado work campers

Research the Job and Employer

Understand the responsibilities, expectations, and any specific skills required for the workamping position.

Review Compensation and Benefits

Understand the responsibilities, expectations, and any specific skills required for the workamping position.

Understand Work Schedule

Know your work schedule, including start and end dates, days off, and any potential overtime requirements.

Get familiar with Colorado Labor Laws

Understand the labor laws in Colorado, including minimum wage, overtime regulations, and workers’ rights.

Verify Accommodations

Ensure you know where you’ll be staying during your workamping assignment. This could be provided by the employer or you may need to arrange it yourself.

Prepare for Altitude

If you’re not acclimated to higher altitudes, give yourself time to adjust and be mindful of symptoms of altitude sickness.

Pack Appropriate Clothing

Bring clothing suitable for Colorado’s varied climate, including layers for potential temperature changes and waterproof gear for outdoor work.

Ensure Proper Footwear

Have comfortable, durable, and weather-appropriate footwear for your work tasks.

Gather Necessary Tools and Equipment

Depending on your work duties, you may need specific tools or equipment. Confirm with your employer what will be provided and what you should bring.

Familiarize Yourself with the Area:

Research the location of your workamping assignment. Know nearby amenities, medical facilities, and recreational opportunities.

Review Work Contracts and Agreements

Read and understand any contracts or agreements related to your workamping position, including terms, responsibilities, and termination clauses.

Have Emergency Contacts and Information

Keep a list of important contacts, including your employer’s information, local emergency services, and any personal contacts you may need.

Budget and Financial Planning

Develop a budget for your time as a workamper, taking into account expenses like food, transportation, and any personal costs.

Set Realistic Expectations

Understand that workamping can be physically demanding. Be prepared for the challenges and enjoy the unique experience it offers.